
Visa & Insurance Issues

What are the general application procedures to undergo till one makes it to Germany?

You have to apply for a student visa at the German Embassy in your country. Please keep in mind that the issuing of visa can take up to several weeks or months. Therefore, please apply as soon as you have received a Letter of Acceptance.

In some cases, the German embassy might conduct interviews. Please prepare carefully for this. You might find the information about the Master’s programme provided on the University of Göttingen website helpful.

If you do not receive a scholarship, you have to open a blocked bank account in Germany with a minimum amount of 8,040 Euro for one adult for one year. For a family with two children the amount is 22,080 € (16,080 Euro for two adults and 6,000 Euro for two children). You can only withdraw a limited amount monthly. You may contact Deutsche Bank to get more detailed information:

How much do I need to pay to extend my visa?

Currently, usually 110.00 €, but that differs from time to time. It is important to contact the nearest Immigration Office to get updates. 

Which health insurance company is best for international students?

For students younger than 30 years of age each German state health insurance company or private companies, for students older that 30 years of age only private companies like EDUCARE 24. 

What should I do if my visa is delayed?

Best of all, to make the visa request in time as indicated above. Whenever there is a delay, contact the FIT Administration Office and inform them so that the Office knows your intention, otherwise it may be assumed that you are no longer planning to study. 

I've never been to Europe. What advice can you give me?

There are many sites one can visit for different input. The reference provided here and in Part 1 of this document is not conclusive. For study abroad information visit › europegermany and for general information about Germany visit Notice that these are not the only information sites. There is more information on websites and the German embassy in your country can also help provide specific detailed information. 

What are the admission and visa requirements for international students?

Please contact the website of the German embassy in your home country, see the requirements for student visa. 

What do I as a foreign student need in order to be accepted at the varsity?

For the M.A. ICT programme please see For the B.A. programmes, see our website. 

Do I need any special papers for my stay in Germany?

Depends on the German embassy in your home country. 

Where can I do my TOEFL test / German test?

Please enter Here you find links to the respective websites for the TOEFL or the IELTS. 

Can I work as a foreigner in Germany?

Yes, if your visa includes a valid work permit. EU citizens do not need a work permit.              

How can I get finance support as a non-German Student?

Applications for scholarship with several institutions such as DWED/ Bread for the World, DAAD, or application for partial scholarship in the first year of studies to FIT faculty. 

What are the emergency phone numbers in the country?

110 for police
112 for fire and rescue service